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VCS VCS Spring Playoffs 2021

VCS Spring Playoffs 2021 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:16
Average game duration:29:28
Average kills / game:32
Shortest game:20:07 - GAM Esports vs Team Secret
Longest game:39:26 - CES vs Team Secret
Game with the most kills: 54 Kills in 39:26 - CES vs Team Secret
VCS Spring Playoffs 2021 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

VCS Spring Playoffs 2021 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

VCS Spring Playoffs 2021 Top KDA
Bie 9.8 (9/9/79)
Levi 6.3 (37/16/63)
Sty1e 5.8 (38/17/61)
Kiaya 4.6 (24/15/45)
Hasmed 4.5 (38/18/43)
VCS Spring Playoffs 2021 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Artemis 13 kills (CES vs Team Secret)
Arrietty 12 kills (SGB vs CES)
BeanJ 10 kills (SGB vs CES)
Artifact 10 kills (CES vs Team Secret)
Artemis 10 kills (CES vs Team Secret)
VCS Spring Playoffs 2021 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Slayder10 12
Artemis00 32
Arrietty00 16
Artifact00 15
Hasmed00 14
VCS Spring Playoffs 2021 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
GAM Esports 2165 GPM (SGB vs GAM Esports)
GAM Esports 2143 GPM (GAM Esports vs Team Secret)
GAM Esports 2118 GPM (GAM Esports vs Team Secret)
Saigon Buffalo 2047 GPM (SGB vs CES)
Team Secret 2044 GPM (CES vs Team Secret)
VCS Spring Playoffs 2021 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Artemis 9.5 CSM
Slayder 8.8 CSM
Arrietty 8.7 CSM
Artifact 8.5 CSM
Coated 8.3 CSM
VCS Spring Playoffs 2021 best CSM
Best farm
Artemis 10.6 CSM - 361 CS in 34:11 (SGB vs CES)
Yado 10.4 CSM - 276 CS in 26:29 (CES vs Team Secret)
Artemis 10 CSM - 265 CS in 26:29 (CES vs Team Secret)
Arrietty 9.9 CSM - 229 CS in 23:04 (SGB vs CES)
Artemis 9.9 CSM - 361 CS in 36:26 (SGB vs CES)