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Ultraliga Season 6 Playoffs

Ultraliga Season 6 Playoffs stats
Tournament data
Number of games:24
Average game duration:35:58
Average kills / game:28
Shortest game:24:03 - PDW vs IHG
Longest game:48:08 - AGO ROGUE vs IHG
Game with the most kills: 49 Kills in 45:44 - AGO ROGUE vs PDW
Ultraliga Season 6 Playoffs blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

Ultraliga Season 6 Playoffs elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

Ultraliga Season 6 Playoffs Top KDA
odi11 7.4 (61/18/73)
Escik 5.2 (67/34/110)
Czajek 5.2 (45/26/91)
Sacre 4.9 (12/9/32)
Bruness 4.4 (36/30/95)
Ultraliga Season 6 Playoffs most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Dawidsonek 12 kills (TEG vs PDW)
odi11 10 kills (AGO ROGUE vs PDW)
Lucker 10 kills (AGO ROGUE vs PDW)
Krysia 9 kills (PDW vs IHG)
odi11 9 kills (TEG vs PDW)
Ultraliga Season 6 Playoffs Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Escik01 13
odi1100 28
Zamulek00 26
Dawidsonek00 26
Lucker00 16
Ultraliga Season 6 Playoffs best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
Illuminar Gaming 2104 GPM (PDW vs IHG)
PDW 2051 GPM (TEG vs PDW)
K1CK 2019 GPM (K1CK vs IHG)
PDW 2006 GPM (TEG vs PDW)
Ultraliga Season 6 Playoffs best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Lucker 9.9 CSM
Dawidsonek 9.2 CSM
Harpoon 9 CSM
Puki Style 9 CSM
odi11 8.7 CSM
Ultraliga Season 6 Playoffs best CSM
Best farm
Harpoon 11.8 CSM - 397 CS in 33:41 (IHG vs TEG)
Lucker 10.7 CSM - 369 CS in 34:37 (AGO ROGUE vs IHG)
Lucker 10.6 CSM - 413 CS in 38:56 (AGO ROGUE vs IHG)
Czajek 10.5 CSM - 275 CS in 26:07 (TEG vs PDW)
Dawidsonek 10.3 CSM - 395 CS in 38:21 (IHG vs TEG)