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PRM2 Prime League 2nd Div Spring Playoffs 2023  

Prime League 2nd Div Spring Playoffs 2023 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:24
Average game duration:29:51
Average kills / game:36
Shortest game:21:45 - KIT vs mYinsanity
Longest game:47:11 - AFW vs ERN ROAR
Game with the most kills: 63 Kills in 42:30 - WeSports vs ERN ROAR
Prime League 2nd Div Spring Playoffs 2023 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

Prime League 2nd Div Spring Playoffs 2023 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

Prime League 2nd Div Spring Playoffs 2023 Top KDA
Relative 7.1 (30/14/70)
Lindgarde 6.2 (64/27/103)
Lucky 6.1 (16/33/184)
Scarlet 5.4 (91/34/94)
Wenbo 5.2 (39/22/76)
Prime League 2nd Div Spring Playoffs 2023 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Scarlet 17 kills (WeSports vs ERN ROAR)
Lindgarde 16 kills (ERN ROAR vs mYinsanity)
Scarlet 16 kills (ERN ROAR vs mYinsanity)
BOSS 12 kills (AFW vs ERN ROAR)
Scarlet 12 kills (WeSports vs ERN ROAR)
Prime League 2nd Div Spring Playoffs 2023 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Difference02 22
Lindgarde02 04
Piwek01 111
Scarlet00 213
Nano00 25
Prime League 2nd Div Spring Playoffs 2023 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
RNL ROAR 2266 GPM (WeSports vs ERN ROAR)
RNL ROAR 2171 GPM (WeSports vs ERN ROAR)
RNL ROAR 2157 GPM (ERN ROAR vs mYinsanity)
DKB Diamonds 2151 GPM (AFW vs DKB)
Austrian Force willhaben 2041 GPM (AFW vs ERN ROAR)
Prime League 2nd Div Spring Playoffs 2023 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Piwek 9 CSM
Lindgarde 8.8 CSM
Yashiro 8.5 CSM
Varry 8.3 CSM
Zoiren 8.2 CSM
Prime League 2nd Div Spring Playoffs 2023 best CSM
Best farm
Difference 10.8 CSM - 306 CS in 28:17 (AFW vs DKB)
Lindgarde 10.7 CSM - 241 CS in 22:36 (ERN ROAR vs mYinsanity)
Piwek 10.6 CSM - 330 CS in 31:02 (AFW vs ERN ROAR)
Piwek 10.2 CSM - 249 CS in 24:31 (AFW vs ERN ROAR)
Lindgarde 10.1 CSM - 238 CS in 23:37 (WeSports vs ERN ROAR)