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LCS NA LCS Spring Playoffs 2018

NA LCS Spring Playoffs 2018 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:22
Average game duration:33:37
Average kills / game:19
Shortest game:21:10 - Echo Fox vs CG
Longest game:74:05 - 100 Thieves vs CG
Game with the most kills: 32 Kills in 34:40 - Echo Fox vs Team Liquid
NA LCS Spring Playoffs 2018 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

NA LCS Spring Playoffs 2018 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

NA LCS Spring Playoffs 2018 Top KDA
Doublelift 35.3 (57/3/49)
Olleh 7.3 (8/14/94)
Pobelter 7.2 (33/14/68)
Sneaky 9.5 (11/2/8)
Impact 6.6 (19/16/87)
NA LCS Spring Playoffs 2018 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Doublelift 10 kills (Echo Fox vs Team Liquid)
Altec 9 kills (Echo Fox vs Team Liquid)
Doublelift 8 kills (Echo Fox vs Team Liquid)
Febiven 7 kills (TSM vs CG)
Pobelter 7 kills (Echo Fox vs Team Liquid)
NA LCS Spring Playoffs 2018 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Doublelift01 410
Sneaky01 01
Pobelter00 15
Apollo00 13
Altec00 12
NA LCS Spring Playoffs 2018 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
Echo Fox 2195 GPM (Echo Fox vs CG)
Team Liquid 2155 GPM (Echo Fox vs Team Liquid)
Echo Fox 2141 GPM (Echo Fox vs CG)
Team Liquid 2046 GPM (Echo Fox vs Team Liquid)
Echo Fox 2030 GPM (Echo Fox vs CG)
NA LCS Spring Playoffs 2018 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Doublelift 10.3 CSM
Bjergsen 10.3 CSM
Sneaky 10 CSM
Jensen 9.9 CSM
FeniX 9.7 CSM
NA LCS Spring Playoffs 2018 best CSM
Best farm
FeniX 12.1 CSM - 355 CS in 29:25 (Echo Fox vs CG)
FeniX 11.7 CSM - 247 CS in 21:10 (Echo Fox vs CG)
Febiven 11.1 CSM - 313 CS in 28:14 (100 Thieves vs CG)
Doublelift 11 CSM - 381 CS in 34:40 (Echo Fox vs Team Liquid)
Febiven 10.8 CSM - 373 CS in 34:28 (100 Thieves vs CG)