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MSI Mid-Season Invitational 2019

Mid-Season Invitational 2019 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:42
Average game duration:30:44
Average kills / game:28
Shortest game:16:01 - IG vs SKT
Longest game:44:40 - PVB vs FW
Game with the most kills: 50 Kills in 33:58 - PVB vs IG
Mid-Season Invitational 2019 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

Mid-Season Invitational 2019 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

Mid-Season Invitational 2019 Top KDA
Teddy 7.1 (56/18/71)
Clid 5.2 (62/32/103)
Faker 4.9 (53/26/75)
JackeyLove 4.9 (87/32/69)
Meliodas 4.6 (17/14/47)
Mid-Season Invitational 2019 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
JackeyLove 15 kills (G2 Esports vs IG)
Wunder 11 kills (SKT vs G2 Esports)
Ning 11 kills (PVB vs IG)
Wunder 11 kills (SKT vs G2 Esports)
TheShy 10 kills (IG vs G2 Esports)
Mid-Season Invitational 2019 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Caps10 28
Wunder10 110
JackeyLove01 412
Teddy01 15
Clid00 22
Mid-Season Invitational 2019 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
Dashing Buffalo 2295 GPM (PVB vs G2 Esports)
Invictus Gaming 2258 GPM (IG vs SKT)
SK Telecom T1 2164 GPM (PVB vs SKT)
SK Telecom T1 2155 GPM (FW vs SKT)
G2 Esports 2140 GPM (Team Liquid vs G2 Esports)
Mid-Season Invitational 2019 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
JackeyLove 9.9 CSM
Teddy 9.8 CSM
Perkz 9.4 CSM
Betty 9.2 CSM
Doublelift 9.2 CSM
Mid-Season Invitational 2019 best CSM
Best farm
Teddy 12.5 CSM - 382 CS in 30:29 (Team Liquid vs SKT)
Perkz 12.3 CSM - 328 CS in 26:39 (G2 Esports vs SKT)
Doublelift 11.8 CSM - 354 CS in 29:59 (Team Liquid vs G2 Esports)
Teddy 11.8 CSM - 343 CS in 29:08 (SKT vs Team Liquid)
JackeyLove 11.3 CSM - 334 CS in 29:27 (IG vs Team Liquid)