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LLA LLA Closing Playoffs 2021  

LLA Closing Playoffs 2021 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:13
Average game duration:33:30
Average kills / game:27
Shortest game:26:35 - INF vs EST
Longest game:43:43 - EST vs FG
Game with the most kills: 50 Kills in 38:37 - Isurus vs FG
LLA Closing Playoffs 2021 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

LLA Closing Playoffs 2021 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

LLA Closing Playoffs 2021 Top KDA
Warangelus 11.5 (21/4/25)
SolidSnake 5.6 (14/8/31)
Ackerman 5.1 (1/9/45)
Leza 4.7 (41/19/49)
Bvoy 4.6 (39/21/58)
LLA Closing Playoffs 2021 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Warangelus 12 kills (Isurus vs FG)
Erry 12 kills (EST vs FG)
TopLop 9 kills (Isurus vs FG)
Archer 8 kills (Isurus vs FG)
Whitelotus 8 kills (INF vs EST)
LLA Closing Playoffs 2021 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Leza01 22
Bvoy00 15
Grell00 14
Warangelus00 13
Whitelotus00 10
LLA Closing Playoffs 2021 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
Infinity eSports 2108 GPM (INF vs EST)
Estral Esports 1982 GPM (INF vs EST)
Estral Esports 1962 GPM (EST vs FG)
Estral Esports 1925 GPM (EST vs FG)
Infinity eSports 1884 GPM (INF vs EST)
LLA Closing Playoffs 2021 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Archer 9.5 CSM
Leza 9.2 CSM
Whitelotus 9.1 CSM
Bvoy 9 CSM
Buggax 8.8 CSM
LLA Closing Playoffs 2021 best CSM
Best farm
Leza 11 CSM - 342 CS in 31:08 (INF vs EST)
Leza 10.4 CSM - 340 CS in 32:38 (EST vs FG)
Bvoy 10.3 CSM - 335 CS in 32:38 (EST vs FG)
Whitelotus 10.2 CSM - 319 CS in 31:08 (INF vs EST)
cody 10.2 CSM - 311 CS in 30:23 (INF vs EST)