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LEC LEC Spring Playoffs 2020

LEC Spring Playoffs 2020 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:31
Average game duration:33:10
Average kills / game:30
Shortest game:24:11 - Fnatic vs G2 Esports
Longest game:43:30 - Origen vs Rogue
Game with the most kills: 47 Kills in 38:49 - G2 Esports vs MAD Lions
LEC Spring Playoffs 2020 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

LEC Spring Playoffs 2020 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

LEC Spring Playoffs 2020 Top KDA
Rekkles 7.1 (33/15/74)
Upset 5.7 (54/22/71)
Mikyx 4.7 (8/49/220)
Febiven 5.0 (13/5/12)
Perkz 4.2 (77/45/111)
LEC Spring Playoffs 2020 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Shad0w 16 kills (G2 Esports vs MAD Lions)
Carzzy 14 kills (G2 Esports vs MAD Lions)
Caps 14 kills (MAD Lions vs G2 Esports)
Rekkles 12 kills (MAD Lions vs Fnatic)
Caps 11 kills (Fnatic vs G2 Esports)
LEC Spring Playoffs 2020 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Caps10 116
Selfmade01 04
Rekkles01 02
Carzzy00 25
Nemesis00 25
LEC Spring Playoffs 2020 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
Fnatic 2097 GPM (MAD Lions vs Fnatic)
Origen 2069 GPM (Origen vs Rogue)
Fnatic 2041 GPM (Fnatic vs Origen)
MAD Lions 2036 GPM (MAD Lions vs G2 Esports)
Fnatic 2022 GPM (MAD Lions vs Fnatic)
LEC Spring Playoffs 2020 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Nemesis 9.9 CSM
Bvoy 9.7 CSM
Upset 9.1 CSM
Hans sama 8.9 CSM
Larssen 8.9 CSM
LEC Spring Playoffs 2020 best CSM
Best farm
Upset 12.5 CSM - 539 CS in 43:02 (Fnatic vs Origen)
Nemesis 11.8 CSM - 507 CS in 43:02 (Fnatic vs Origen)
Hans sama 11.6 CSM - 505 CS in 43:30 (Origen vs Rogue)
Hans sama 11.3 CSM - 453 CS in 40:03 (MSF vs Rogue)
Caps 11.2 CSM - 458 CS in 40:59 (G2 Esports vs MAD Lions)