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LEC LEC Spring Playoffs 2019

LEC Spring Playoffs 2019 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:21
Average game duration:32:41
Average kills / game:27
Shortest game:18:31 - G2 Esports vs Origen
Longest game:48:34 - G2 Esports vs Origen
Game with the most kills: 38 Kills in 40:13 - Fnatic vs Splyce
LEC Spring Playoffs 2019 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

LEC Spring Playoffs 2019 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

LEC Spring Playoffs 2019 Top KDA
Perkz 17.3 (30/4/39)
Caps 8.1 (28/9/45)
Broxah 5.7 (37/20/76)
Mikyx 5.4 (4/15/77)
Rekkles 5.4 (44/17/47)
LEC Spring Playoffs 2019 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Kobbe 14 kills (Fnatic vs Splyce)
Nemesis 13 kills (Fnatic vs VIT)
Nukeduck 12 kills (Origen vs Fnatic)
Kobbe 10 kills (Splyce vs SK Gaming)
Kobbe 10 kills (Splyce vs SK Gaming)
LEC Spring Playoffs 2019 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Nemesis10 07
Kobbe01 34
Wunder01 12
Nukeduck00 24
Broxah00 12
LEC Spring Playoffs 2019 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
Fnatic 2419 GPM (Fnatic vs VIT)
G2 Esports 2155 GPM (G2 Esports vs Origen)
Fnatic 2096 GPM (Origen vs Fnatic)
Splyce 2076 GPM (Fnatic vs Splyce)
Fnatic 2065 GPM (Fnatic vs Splyce)
LEC Spring Playoffs 2019 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Kobbe 9.9 CSM
Rekkles 9.8 CSM
Crownie 9.7 CSM
Humanoid 9.6 CSM
Perkz 9.2 CSM
LEC Spring Playoffs 2019 best CSM
Best farm
Kobbe 12.1 CSM - 486 CS in 40:13 (Fnatic vs Splyce)
Rekkles 11.7 CSM - 428 CS in 36:33 (Fnatic vs Splyce)
Rekkles 11.5 CSM - 318 CS in 27:42 (Fnatic vs Splyce)
Kobbe 11.3 CSM - 381 CS in 33:35 (Fnatic vs Splyce)
Humanoid 11 CSM - 443 CS in 40:13 (Fnatic vs Splyce)