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LCK LCK Spring Playoffs 2017

LCK Spring Playoffs 2017 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:11
Average game duration:33:12
Average kills / game:27
Shortest game:25:11 - SSG vs KT Rolster
Longest game:42:30 - AF vs MVP
Game with the most kills: 32 Kills in 34:26 - SSG vs KT Rolster
LCK Spring Playoffs 2017 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

LCK Spring Playoffs 2017 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

LCK Spring Playoffs 2017 Top KDA
Bang 18.5 (16/2/21)
Peanut 11.3 (19/4/26)
Wolf 7.8 (4/6/43)
Beyond 5.5 (19/11/41)
Max 5.0 (11/10/39)
LCK Spring Playoffs 2017 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Peanut 11 kills (SKT vs KT Rolster)
Faker 10 kills (SKT vs KT Rolster)
PawN 9 kills (SSG vs KT Rolster)
Ian 8 kills (AF vs MVP)
Beyond 8 kills (AF vs MVP)
LCK Spring Playoffs 2017 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Deft00 14
Peanut00 12
Ian00 11
Smeb00 04
MaHa00 03
LCK Spring Playoffs 2017 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
KT Rolster 2131 GPM (SSG vs KT Rolster)
SK Telecom T1 2104 GPM (SKT vs KT Rolster)
MVP 2077 GPM (AF vs MVP)
KT Rolster 2017 GPM (SSG vs KT Rolster)
KT Rolster 1973 GPM (KT Rolster vs MVP)
LCK Spring Playoffs 2017 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Stitch 9.9 CSM
MaRin 9.7 CSM
Smeb 9.4 CSM
Huni 9.2 CSM
kurO 9 CSM
LCK Spring Playoffs 2017 best CSM
Best farm
Smeb 10.9 CSM - 398 CS in 36:30 (SKT vs KT Rolster)
Deft 10.4 CSM - 262 CS in 25:11 (SSG vs KT Rolster)
Smeb 10.2 CSM - 311 CS in 30:23 (SSG vs KT Rolster)
Deft 10.1 CSM - 349 CS in 34:26 (SSG vs KT Rolster)
MaHa 10.1 CSM - 367 CS in 36:26 (KT Rolster vs MVP)