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LCK CL Spring Playoffs 2023  

LCK CL Spring Playoffs 2023 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:34
Average game duration:31:13
Average kills / game:24
Shortest game:23:04 - DRX vs T1
Longest game:41:48 - KT vs DK
Game with the most kills: 40 Kills in 30:21 - DRX vs DK
LCK CL Spring Playoffs 2023 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

LCK CL Spring Playoffs 2023 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

LCK CL Spring Playoffs 2023 Top KDA
Rahel 6.0 (93/35/117)
Pleata 5.3 (56/24/70)
Smash 5.0 (56/23/59)
Calix 5.4 (9/5/18)
Bay 4.4 (36/27/83)
LCK CL Spring Playoffs 2023 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Rahel 10 kills (DRX vs DK)
Rahel 9 kills (DRX vs DK)
Pleata 9 kills (DRX vs KT)
Pleata 8 kills (DRX vs T1)
Rahel 8 kills (T1 vs DK)
LCK CL Spring Playoffs 2023 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Pleata10 46
Smash01 45
Rahel01 216
Pullbae00 28
Thanatos00 15
LCK CL Spring Playoffs 2023 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
DK Challengers 2148 GPM (DRX vs DK)
DK Challengers 2087 GPM (T1 vs DK)
DRX Challengers 2079 GPM (DRX vs T1)
T1 Challengers 2068 GPM (DRX vs T1)
DK Challengers 2063 GPM (T1 vs DK)
LCK CL Spring Playoffs 2023 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Rahel 10.4 CSM
Callme 10 CSM
Smash 9.9 CSM
Pleata 9.8 CSM
Hype 9.5 CSM
LCK CL Spring Playoffs 2023 best CSM
Best farm
Rahel 12.6 CSM - 402 CS in 31:57 (DRX vs DK)
Lure 12.1 CSM - 385 CS in 31:52 (HLE vs T1)
Rahel 11.9 CSM - 389 CS in 32:47 (DK vs NS)
Pleata 11.8 CSM - 378 CS in 31:57 (DRX vs DK)
Hype 11.5 CSM - 394 CS in 34:09 (KT vs DK)