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LCK CL 2023 Spring  

LCK CL 2023 Spring stats
Tournament data
Number of games:222
Average game duration:32:29
Average kills / game:26
Shortest game:19:10 - BRO vs DK
Longest game:49:49 - LSB vs DRX
Game with the most kills: 58 Kills in 43:24 - T1 vs BRO
LCK CL 2023 Spring blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

LCK CL 2023 Spring elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

LCK CL 2023 Spring Top KDA
Hype 6.8 (214/64/224)
Pleata 6.2 (194/63/197)
Duro 6.1 (65/87/468)
Way 5.8 (11/22/117)
Reble 5.6 (14/60/322)
LCK CL 2023 Spring most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Quid 17 kills (GEN vs BRO)
Pleata 14 kills (GEN vs DRX)
Hype 14 kills (KT vs GEN)
Gamin 14 kills (T1 vs BRO)
Smash 13 kills (T1 vs DRX)
LCK CL 2023 Spring Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Lure23 523
Pleata12 622
Jiwoo12 334
Rahel11 734
Zest11 15
LCK CL 2023 Spring best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
Gen.G Challengers 2433 GPM (GEN vs BRO)
NS Challengers 2303 GPM (NS vs LSB)
DK Challengers 2236 GPM (BRO vs DK)
DK Challengers 2226 GPM (BRO vs DK)
Gen.G Challengers 2210 GPM (LSB vs GEN)
LCK CL 2023 Spring best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Rahel 10.3 CSM
Smash 10.1 CSM
Paduck 9.9 CSM
Hype 9.8 CSM
Pleata 9.7 CSM
LCK CL 2023 Spring best CSM
Best farm
Rahel 13 CSM - 491 CS in 37:54 (KDF vs DK)
Rahel 12 CSM - 433 CS in 36:11 (DK vs DRX)
Smash 11.8 CSM - 392 CS in 33:15 (T1 vs GEN)
Hype 11.8 CSM - 357 CS in 30:20 (LSB vs KT)
Rahel 11.7 CSM - 415 CS in 35:21 (LSB vs DK)