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Hitpoint Masters Season 13

Hitpoint Masters Season 13 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:56
Average game duration:32:41
Average kills / game:29
Shortest game:22:44 - RAMS vs CG
Longest game:53:00 - IG vs RAMS
Game with the most kills: 49 Kills in 46:18 - eSuba vs FYN
Hitpoint Masters Season 13 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

Hitpoint Masters Season 13 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

Hitpoint Masters Season 13 Top KDA
robocop 7.2 (46/21/106)
Proker 8.0 (9/3/15)
Dred 6.0 (56/23/83)
Sirinox 5.7 (50/29/114)
Lachtan 5.5 (59/24/73)
Hitpoint Masters Season 13 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Shiage 15 kills (RAMS vs Team Brute)
Wondro 13 kills (CG vs FYN)
Dany 12 kills (VIK vs CG)
Jejky 12 kills (eSuba vs FYN)
Vlk 12 kills (FYN vs Team Brute)
Hitpoint Masters Season 13 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Wondro02 36
xDrop02 14
shy01 14
ordno00 210
wilq00 28
Hitpoint Masters Season 13 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
Cyber Gaming 2118 GPM (VIK vs CG)
eSuba 2051 GPM (eSuba vs CG)
Team Sampi 2048 GPM (Team Brute vs Team Sampi)
eSuba 2029 GPM (eSuba vs IG)
Cyber Gaming 2025 GPM (CG vs FYN)
Hitpoint Masters Season 13 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Mauss 8.9 CSM
xDrop 8.9 CSM
Lachtan 8.8 CSM
wilq 8.8 CSM
Random 8.8 CSM
Hitpoint Masters Season 13 best CSM
Best farm
Dreedy 11.6 CSM - 347 CS in 29:51 (Team Brute vs Team Sampi)
xDrop 11.1 CSM - 373 CS in 33:30 (IG vs FYN)
xDrop 11.1 CSM - 587 CS in 53:00 (IG vs RAMS)
Wondro 10.9 CSM - 350 CS in 32:06 (CG vs RAMS)
Dred 10.8 CSM - 283 CS in 26:06 (VIK vs Team Sampi)