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Elite Series Spring Playoffs 2022  

Elite Series Spring Playoffs 2022 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:17
Average game duration:31:40
Average kills / game:29
Shortest game:22:33 - GENK vs MCON
Longest game:41:01 - MCON vs GENK
Game with the most kills: 46 Kills in 36:50 - EZ vs Ion Squad
Elite Series Spring Playoffs 2022 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

Elite Series Spring Playoffs 2022 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

Elite Series Spring Playoffs 2022 Top KDA
Kruimel 5.5 (31/16/57)
Dragdar 4.6 (30/14/35)
Kadaver 4.3 (36/23/62)
Skude 4.2 (44/25/61)
Guertas 3.7 (40/35/90)
Elite Series Spring Playoffs 2022 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Velja 12 kills (EZ vs Ion Squad)
Dragdar 10 kills (GENK vs EZ)
Kadaver 9 kills (MCON vs GENK)
M0NK 9 kills (GENK vs MCON)
Robba 9 kills (MCON vs GENK)
Elite Series Spring Playoffs 2022 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Guertas01 14
M0NK01 09
Robba01 04
Kadaver00 23
Numandiel00 13
Elite Series Spring Playoffs 2022 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
Ion Squad 2145 GPM (EZ vs Ion Squad)
KRC Genk Esports 1991 GPM (GENK vs MCON)
KRC Genk Esports 1980 GPM (GENK vs EZ)
mCon LG UltraGear 1967 GPM (GENK vs MCON)
KRC Genk Esports 1966 GPM (GENK vs EZ)
Elite Series Spring Playoffs 2022 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Flif 9.3 CSM
Dragdar 8.8 CSM
M0NK 8.6 CSM
fjoompbun 8.4 CSM
Kadaver 7.9 CSM
Elite Series Spring Playoffs 2022 best CSM
Best farm
Robba 11.5 CSM - 376 CS in 32:50 (GENK vs MCON)
Dragdar 10.7 CSM - 373 CS in 34:58 (GENK vs EZ)
Robba 10.3 CSM - 312 CS in 30:11 (GENK vs MCON)
Flif 10.3 CSM - 293 CS in 28:23 (EZ vs Ion Squad)
Kadaver 10 CSM - 308 CS in 30:57 (MCON vs GENK)