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EBL Season 8 Playoffs

EBL Season 8 Playoffs stats
Tournament data
Number of games:10
Average game duration:28:03
Average kills / game:24
Shortest game:22:29 - SSU vs Z10 ESHARK
Longest game:32:43 - SSU vs Z10 ESHARK
Game with the most kills: 30 Kills in 25:09 - SSU vs x25 Esports
EBL Season 8 Playoffs blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

EBL Season 8 Playoffs elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

EBL Season 8 Playoffs Top KDA
Ryuzaki 8.2 (32/9/42)
Spooky 7.0 (23/10/47)
Vzz 6.3 (37/12/39)
twohoyrz 5.9 (25/11/40)
Khantos 5.1 (40/14/31)
EBL Season 8 Playoffs most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Khantos 11 kills (Z10 ESHARK vs CR4ZY)
Ryuzaki 10 kills (Z10 ESHARK vs CR4ZY)
Khantos 9 kills (Z10 ESHARK vs CR4ZY)
Khantos 8 kills (SSU vs Z10 ESHARK)
klowny 7 kills (SSU vs x25 Esports)
EBL Season 8 Playoffs Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Khantos01 03
Vzz00 15
Ryuzaki00 13
goldento4st00 10
twohoyrz00 06
EBL Season 8 Playoffs best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
Zero Tenacity 2166 GPM (SSU vs Z10 ESHARK)
SAIM SE SuppUp 2088 GPM (SSU vs x25 Esports)
Zero Tenacity 2084 GPM (Z10 ESHARK vs CR4ZY)
SAIM SE SuppUp 2029 GPM (SSU vs x25 Esports)
Zero Tenacity 1979 GPM (Z10 ESHARK vs CR4ZY)
EBL Season 8 Playoffs best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Jacob 9.5 CSM
Meight 9.1 CSM
Vzz 9.1 CSM
Paladin 9.1 CSM
2Cups 8.9 CSM
EBL Season 8 Playoffs best CSM
Best farm
Vzz 11.2 CSM - 360 CS in 32:03 (SSU vs Z10 ESHARK)
Meight 10.8 CSM - 297 CS in 27:27 (Z10 ESHARK vs CR4ZY)
Khantos 10.2 CSM - 281 CS in 27:27 (Z10 ESHARK vs CR4ZY)
2Cups 10.1 CSM - 277 CS in 27:25 (SSU vs x25 Esports)
Paladin 10.1 CSM - 277 CS in 27:27 (Z10 ESHARK vs CR4ZY)