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BL Belgian League Spring Playoffs 2021

Belgian League Spring Playoffs 2021 stats
Tournament data
Number of games:16
Average game duration:33:07
Average kills / game:28
Shortest game:26:52 - KVM vs Ion Squad
Longest game:51:42 - KVM vs Ion Squad
Game with the most kills: 41 Kills in 51:42 - KVM vs Ion Squad
Belgian League Spring Playoffs 2021 blue/red side win rate
Blue/Red Side

Belgian League Spring Playoffs 2021 elemental dragons killed
Dragons killed

Belgian League Spring Playoffs 2021 Top KDA
Urban 8.6 (28/10/58)
Stookbeer 8.4 (14/12/87)
Mikkel 6.7 (42/13/45)
Flif 4.5 (40/18/41)
Night 4.3 (42/28/79)
Belgian League Spring Playoffs 2021 most kills in a single game
Most kills in a single game
Flif 13 kills (KVM vs Ion Squad)
Mytheos 11 kills (Sector One vs 4E)
Zhergoth 11 kills (KVM vs Sector One)
Mikkel 10 kills (KVM vs Ion Squad)
Marrow Ooze 10 kills (Ion Squad vs Sector One)
Belgian League Spring Playoffs 2021 Pentakill leaderboard.
Top Multikill
Pentakill Quadra Triple Double
Mikkel01 12
Mytheos00 18
Night00 16
Zhergoth00 13
Flif00 12
Belgian League Spring Playoffs 2021 best team Gold Per Minute
Top Team GPM
Sector One 2021 GPM (Sector One vs 4E)
Sector One 1997 GPM (Ion Squad vs Sector One)
Sector One 1975 GPM (Sector One vs 4E)
Sector One 1970 GPM (Sector One vs 4E)
Sector One 1956 GPM (KVM vs Sector One)
Belgian League Spring Playoffs 2021 best average creeps per minute
Top Farmer
Mikkel 9.1 CSM
Mis 9.1 CSM
Night 8.8 CSM
Mytheos 8.5 CSM
Marrow Ooze 8.3 CSM
Belgian League Spring Playoffs 2021 best CSM
Best farm
Mytheos 10.6 CSM - 300 CS in 28:15 (KVM vs Sector One)
Mytheos 10.4 CSM - 311 CS in 29:52 (Sector One vs 4E)
Night 10.2 CSM - 288 CS in 28:15 (KVM vs Sector One)
Mikkel 10.1 CSM - 272 CS in 26:52 (KVM vs Ion Squad)
Mikkel 10 CSM - 518 CS in 51:42 (KVM vs Ion Squad)