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Remo Brave e-Sports

Remo Brave e-Sports stats
Remo Brave e-Sports - S7
Region : BR
Season : S7
Win Rate : 0W - 0L
Average game duration : 0:00
Remo Brave e-Sports
Remo Brave e-Sports Logo
Most banned champions by Remo Brave e-Sports
Banned by Remo Brave e-Sports
Blue Side
Red Side
Most banned champions against Remo Brave e-Sports
Banned against Remo Brave e-Sports
REM Blue Side
REM Red Side
Remo Brave e-Sports gold and farm stats
Gold Per Minute:0
Gold Differential per Minute:0
Gold Differential at 15 min:-
Win Rate when ahead at 15 min:-
CS Per Minute:0
CS Differential at 15 min:-
Tower Differential at 15 min:-
Avg. Tower Difference:0
First Tower :-
Remo Brave e-Sports damage and kills stats
Damage Per Minute:-
First Blood:-
Kills Per Game:0
Deaths Per Game:0
Average Kill / Death Ratio:0
Average Assists / Kill:0
Remo Brave e-Sports objectives control stats
Plates / game (TOP|MID|BOT):-
Dragons / game:0 (0%)
Dragons at 15 min:-
Herald / game:-
Nashors / game:-
Remo Brave e-Sports vision stats
Vision Score Per Minute:-
Wards Per Minute:-
Vision Wards Per Minute:-
Wards Cleared Per Minute:-
% Wards Cleared:-
Remo Brave e-Sports blue/red side win rate
Wins/Losses by side

Remo Brave e-Sports elemental dragons killed
Dragon priority

Remo Brave e-Sports player's stats
Role Player KDA KP % VSPM Dmg % Gold % Champions played