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BT Excel

BT Excel stats
BT Excel - S10
Region : UK
Season : S10
Win Rate : 0W - 0L
Average game duration : 0:00
BT Excel
BT Excel Logo
Most banned champions by BT Excel
Banned by BT Excel
Blue Side
Red Side
Most banned champions against BT Excel
Banned against BT Excel
BTXL Blue Side
BTXL Red Side
BT Excel gold and farm stats
Gold Per Minute:0
Gold Differential per Minute:0
Gold Differential at 15 min:-
Win Rate when ahead at 15 min:-
CS Per Minute:0
CS Differential at 15 min:-
Tower Differential at 15 min:-
Avg. Tower Difference:0
First Tower :-
BT Excel damage and kills stats
Damage Per Minute:-
First Blood:-
Kills Per Game:0
Deaths Per Game:0
Average Kill / Death Ratio:0
Average Assists / Kill:0
BT Excel objectives control stats
Plates / game (TOP|MID|BOT):-
Dragons / game:0 (0%)
Dragons at 15 min:-
Herald / game:-
Nashors / game:-
BT Excel vision stats
Vision Score Per Minute:-
Wards Per Minute:-
Vision Wards Per Minute:-
Wards Cleared Per Minute:-
% Wards Cleared:-
BT Excel blue/red side win rate
Wins/Losses by side

BT Excel elemental dragons killed
Dragon priority

BT Excel player's stats
Role Player KDA KP % VSPM Dmg % Gold % Champions played