All-In-One toolkit that help you better understand the meta.
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Meta Infographic
Gives you a quick overview of the last 3 patches:
- Basic metrics: game time, first dragon timer, total kills, ...
- Most pick/ban champion
- Most played champions by role
Champion Synergy
Find the best duo champion win rate or explore the different matchup of a specific champion:
- Direct matchup (Ryze Mid vs others midlaners)
- indirect matchup (Ryze Mid vs junglers)
- "good with" (Ryze Mid with junglers)
Game Search Engine
The search engine allows you to look at stats (win rate, kda, csd@15,...) under specific conditions: blue/red side, game duration, player, champion, ...
Some example of search you can do:
- Caps win rate vs Akali
- champion stats on red/blue side
- Ornn top red side vs Braum support
- Lucian win rate on game > 40min