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Player Country Games Win rate KDA Avg kills Avg deaths Avg assists CSM GPM KP% DMG% DPM VSPM Avg WPM Avg WCPM Avg VWPM GD@15 CSD@15 XPD@15 FB % FB Victim Penta Kills Solo Kills
AgresivooPL PL2860.7%
AvenPL PL1100%742108.540260.9%225681.410.380.420.12-8666380%0%0-
BolszakPL PL2544%
BrunessPL PL2123.8%
Bubnik ZweiPL PL10%23218.535944.4%25.24871.330.420.270.12-934-19-6470%0%0-
ChosiiPL PL1020%
ColorPL PL3043.3%
CuratorPL PL2142.9%
DeflesPL PL2860.7%4.63.325.89.542565%28.95341.030.310.320.14-245011421.4%3.6%04
DzondzyPL PL2544%30.838.21.926665.5%8.61652.571.420.360.431591021916%4%01
ErdotePL PL2860.7%
FresskowyPL PL2944.8%33.32.448.738561.9%22.94040.950.430.130.2-404-2-3317.2%6.9%016
HumanoidCZ CZ3070%
InspiredPL PL2972.4%
IpponPL PL1520%
KackosPL PL2737%
KashtelanPL PL2972.4%
KermysPL PL10%0.71314.827350%19.726610.360.20.32-1415-14-13750%0%0-
KonektivPL PL2972.4%
LuckerPL PL3043.3%3.642.44.59.643068%35.46530.930.30.260.09-382-29720%6.7%01
MatislawPL PL2737%
MystiquesPL PL2972.4%
Puki StylePL PL2972.4%
PyrkaPL PL3043.3%
RaxxoPL PL2737%
RektivPL PL1442.9%
RybsonPL PL2839.3%
SebekxPL PL2860.7%
ShlatanPL PL1764.7%
SinmivakPL PL2035%
SnoowerPL PL2123.8%
UnknownPL PL2123.8%
WodaPL PL50%
WoolitePL PL3070%
ZarembaPL PL2035%
behavePL PL2568%
bucuPL PL2544%
choegoPL PL1637.5%
elegyPL PL2441.7%
iBoPL PL3070%
itzReniferPL PL2737%
sziwekPL PL2123.8%
xCharmPL PL1631.3%