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Rogue vs Origen

2019-08-16 (WEEK9)
Game Time


Rogue - WIN
Kills 16
Towers 7
First Tower
Nashor 0
Team Gold 56.9k
Draven Sejuani Xayah Gangplank Yasuo
Aatrox Qiyana Azir Corki Rakan
Origen - LOSS
Kills 5
First Blood
Towers 2
Dragons 3
Mountain DrakeMountain DrakeInfernal Drake
Team Gold 50.8k
Olaf Akali Yuumi Kled Elise
Renekton Gragas Sylas Kaisa Nautilus
Player       KDA CS
Aatrox Finn
Runes ResolveRunes Domination
Runes Grasp of the Undying
Total damage: 557, Total Healing: 428
Runes Taste of Blood
Total Healing: 691
Runes Demolish
Total Bonus Damage: 1115
Runes Treasure Hunter
Gold Collected: 3791, Total Stacks: 5
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 593
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Revitalize
Bonus Healing: 1003, Bonus Shielding: 7
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/2/11 256
Qiyana Inspired
Runes DominationRunes Inspiration
Runes Electrocute
Total Damage Dealt: 497
Runes Magical Footwear
Boots Arrival Time: 11:15
Runes Sudden Impact
Bonus Damage: 289
Runes Cosmic Insight
Runes Zombie Ward
Wards spawned: 19, Adaptive Force Gained: 30
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Relentless Hunter
Total Stacks: 5, 16% Move Speed increase
Summoner spellSummoner spell
3/0/9 148
Azir Larssen
Runes DominationRunes Sorcery
Runes Electrocute
Total Damage Dealt: 1119
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 1004
Runes Taste of Blood
Total Healing: 617
Runes Transcendence
Seconds refunded: 20
Runes Ghost Poro
Ghost Poros Spawned: 7, Enemies Spotted: 4
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Treasure Hunter
Gold Collected: 2329, Total Stacks: 5
Summoner spellSummoner spell
7/1/7 286
Corki Woolite
Runes InspirationRunes Precision
Runes Kleptomancy
Gold Granted: 450, Items Looted: 11
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 1180, Total bonus gold granted: 240
Runes Triple Tonic
Items Gained: 0
Runes Legend: Bloodline
Time Completed: 25:40
Runes Biscuit Delivery
Biscuits Received: 4
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Cosmic Insight
Summoner spellSummoner spell
5/0/7 284
Rakan VandeR
Runes ResolveRunes Inspiration
Runes Guardian
Total Shield Strength: 2191
Runes Triple Tonic
Items Gained: 0
Runes Demolish
Total Bonus Damage: 318
Runes Biscuit Delivery
Biscuits Received: 4
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 333
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +8 Magic Resist

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Unflinching
Seconds in combat with bonus resistances: 8
Summoner spellSummoner spell
0/2/9 18
Player       KDA CS
Renekton Alphari
Runes PrecisionRunes Resolve
Runes Conqueror
Total healing: 995
Runes Second Wind
Total Healing: 756
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 501, Total bonus gold granted: 80
Runes Revitalize
Bonus Healing: 834, Bonus Shielding: 0
Runes Legend: Alacrity
Time Completed: 15:30
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Last Stand
Total Bonus Damage: 448
Summoner spellSummoner spell
0/2/4 275
Gragas Kold
Runes DominationRunes Inspiration
Runes Predator
Total Damage to Champions: 504
Runes Triple Tonic
Items Gained: 0
Runes Cheap Shot
Total damage: 266
Runes Cosmic Insight
Runes Zombie Ward
Wards spawned: 10, Adaptive Force Gained: 30
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Ingenious Hunter
Total Stacks: 2, Total Item Activations (Including Trinkets): 46
Summoner spellSummoner spell
2/4/1 140
Sylas Nukeduck
Runes ResolveRunes Inspiration
Runes Aftershock
Total Damage Dealt: 488, Total Damage Mitigated: 0
Runes Biscuit Delivery
Biscuits Received: 4
Runes Shield Bash
Total Damage: 148
Runes Time Warp Tonic
Time Spent Hasted: 338, Total Immediate Health Restored: 1791, Total Immediate Mana Restored: 1146
Runes Second Wind
Total Healing: 796
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Revitalize
Bonus Healing: 309, Bonus Shielding: 503
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/3/1 273
Kaisa Patrik
Runes PrecisionRunes Inspiration
Runes Press the Attack
Total Damage: 165, Bonus Damage: 163, Expose Damage: 2
Runes Magical Footwear
Boots Arrival Time: 12:00
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 177, Total bonus gold granted: 40
Runes Biscuit Delivery
Biscuits Received: 4
Runes Legend: Bloodline
Time Completed: 0:0
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Coup de Grace
Total Bonus Damage: 77
Summoner spellSummoner spell
2/3/0 285
Nautilus Mithy
Runes ResolveRunes Inspiration
Runes Aftershock
Total Damage Dealt: 469, Total Damage Mitigated: 0
Runes Minion Dematerializer
Bonus Minion Damage Dealt: 915
Runes Font of Life
Total Ally Healing: 329
Runes Hextech Flashtraption
Times Hexflashed: 0
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 371
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +8 Magic Resist

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Overgrowth
Total Bonus Max Health: 161
Summoner spellSummoner spell
0/4/3 54
Gold graph & Timeline


Mountain Drake
First blood
Rift Herald
Infernal Drake
First Tower
Mountain Drake
Gold distribution

TOP19.4% 22.7%
JUNGLE18.2% 17.3%
MID24.6% 21.6%
ADC26.5% 25%
SUPPORT11.4% 13.5%

Damage distribution

TOP 23.1% 38%
JUNGLE 18.4% 19.2%
MID 34.3% 22.2%
ADC 18.4% 13.2%
SUPPORT 5.8% 7.5%


Jungle share
CS killed in team jungle + CS killed in enemy jungle