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Fnatic vs G2 Esports

2019-08-03 (WEEK7)
Game Time


Fnatic - LOSS
Kills 8
First Blood
Towers 3
First Tower
Nashor 0
Team Gold 41.2k
Qiyana Yasuo Lucian Irelia Sylas
Aatrox Gragas Twisted Fate Karma Tahm Kench
G2 Esports - WIN
Kills 19
Towers 9
Dragons 2
Cloud DrakeMountain Drake
Team Gold 54.3k
Rakan Yuumi Corki Elise Lee Sin
Kled Sejuani Azir Xayah Pyke
Player       KDA CS
Aatrox Bwipo
Runes PrecisionRunes Resolve
Runes Conqueror
Total healing: 130
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 212
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 133, Total bonus gold granted: 60
Runes Demolish
Total Bonus Damage: 1805
Runes Legend: Tenacity
Time Completed: 16:10
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Last Stand
Total Bonus Damage: 295
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/4/2 184
Gragas Broxah
Runes DominationRunes Inspiration
Runes Predator
Total Damage to Champions: 183
Runes Triple Tonic
Items Gained: 0
Runes Cheap Shot
Total damage: 211
Runes Cosmic Insight
Runes Zombie Ward
Wards spawned: 12, Adaptive Force Gained: 30
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Ingenious Hunter
Total Stacks: 4, Total Item Activations (Including Trinkets): 37
Summoner spellSummoner spell
2/3/5 88
Twisted Fate Nemesis
Runes InspirationRunes Sorcery
Runes Kleptomancy
Gold Granted: 230, Items Looted: 8
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 643
Runes Magical Footwear
Boots Arrival Time: 11:15
Runes Transcendence
Seconds refunded: 0
Runes Biscuit Delivery
Biscuits Received: 4
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Time Warp Tonic
Time Spent Hasted: 270, Total Immediate Health Restored: 1449, Total Immediate Mana Restored: 977
Summoner spellSummoner spell
3/1/2 190
Karma Rekkles
Runes InspirationRunes Domination
Runes Glacial Augment
Duration Enemy Champs Slowed: 14s, Damage Reduced: 0
Runes Taste of Blood
Total Healing: 695
Runes Magical Footwear
Boots Arrival Time: 11:15
Runes Ingenious Hunter
Total Stacks: 4, Total Item Activations (Including Trinkets): 42
Runes Biscuit Delivery
Biscuits Received: 4
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Cosmic Insight
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/4/3 181
Tahm Kench Hylissang
Runes InspirationRunes Precision
Runes Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells swapped: 6
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 112, Total bonus gold granted: 100
Runes Triple Tonic
Items Gained: 0
Runes Legend: Tenacity
Time Completed: 0:0
Runes Minion Dematerializer
Bonus Minion Damage Dealt: 525
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +6 Armor

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Approach Velocity
Time Spent Hasted: 50
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/7/4 48
Player       KDA CS
Kled Wunder
Runes PrecisionRunes Resolve
Runes Press the Attack
Total Damage: 355, Bonus Damage: 187, Expose Damage: 168
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 354
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 452, Total bonus gold granted: 160
Runes Overgrowth
Total Bonus Max Health: 217
Runes Legend: Alacrity
Time Completed: 17:30
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Coup de Grace
Total Bonus Damage: 66
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/1/7 197
Sejuani Jankos
Runes ResolveRunes Precision
Runes Aftershock
Total Damage Dealt: 475, Total Damage Mitigated: 0
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 809, Total bonus gold granted: 280
Runes Font of Life
Total Ally Healing: 937
Runes Legend: Tenacity
Time Completed: 16:20
Runes Conditioning
Percent of game active: 58%
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +8 Magic Resist

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Overgrowth
Total Bonus Max Health: 168
Summoner spellSummoner spell
2/1/12 122
Azir Caps
Runes PrecisionRunes Sorcery
Runes Lethal Tempo
Max Attack Speed Uptime: 2:0
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 520
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 499, Total bonus gold granted: 220
Runes Transcendence
Seconds refunded: 0
Runes Legend: Alacrity
Time Completed: 14:0
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +15-140 Health (based on level)
Runes Coup de Grace
Total Bonus Damage: 300
Summoner spellSummoner spell
6/2/5 220
Xayah Perkz
Runes PrecisionRunes Inspiration
Runes Lethal Tempo
Max Attack Speed Uptime: 1:40
Runes Magical Footwear
Boots Arrival Time: 10:30
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 528, Total bonus gold granted: 300
Runes Biscuit Delivery
Biscuits Received: 4
Runes Legend: Bloodline
Time Completed: 20:30
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Coup de Grace
Total Bonus Damage: 401
Summoner spellSummoner spell
5/2/10 261
Pyke Mikyx
Runes ResolveRunes Precision
Runes Aftershock
Total Damage Dealt: 72, Total Damage Mitigated: 0
Runes Presence of Mind
Resource Restored: 1896
Runes Demolish
Total Bonus Damage: 874
Runes Legend: Tenacity
Time Completed: 21:0
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 494
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +8 Magic Resist

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Unflinching
Seconds in combat with bonus resistances: 8
Summoner spellSummoner spell
5/2/8 34
Gold graph & Timeline


First blood
Rift Herald
First Tower
Mountain Drake
Cloud Drake
Gold distribution

TOP20.9% 17%
JUNGLE17.6% 17.8%
MID25.5% 22.1%
ADC20.4% 23.9%
SUPPORT15.6% 19.2%

Damage distribution

TOP 26.4% 12.8%
JUNGLE 16.5% 14.7%
MID 22% 33.4%
ADC 22.1% 26.8%
SUPPORT 13% 12.3%


Jungle share
CS killed in team jungle + CS killed in enemy jungle