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Griffin vs DAM

2018-12-29 (SF)
Game Time


Kills 3
Towers 1
Nashor 0
Team Gold 52.7k
Urgot Zoe Irelia Alistar Braum
Viktor KhaZix Galio Ezreal Soraka
Griffin - WIN
Kills 12
First Blood
Towers 8
First Tower
Dragons 4
Cloud DrakeCloud DrakeCloud DrakeInfernal Drake
Team Gold 62.2k
Aatrox Rakan Cassiopeia Tahm Kench Janna
Jayce Sejuani Sion Lucian Morgana
Player       KDA CS
Viktor Nuguri
Runes SorceryRunes Inspiration
Runes Summon Aery
Damage Dealt: 941, Damage Shielded: 0
Runes Magical Footwear
Boots Arrival Time: 10:00
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 2235
Runes Biscuit Delivery
Biscuits Received: 4
Runes Transcendence
Seconds refunded: 0
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +15-140 Health (based on level)
Runes Scorch
Total Bonus Damage: 358
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/2/0 351
KhaZix Canyon
Runes DominationRunes Sorcery
Runes Electrocute
Total Damage Dealt: 219
Runes Nimbus Cloak
Times activated: 5
Runes Sudden Impact
Bonus Damage: 100
Runes Absolute Focus
Total time active: 26:20
Runes Ghost Poro
Ghost Poros Spawned: 0, Enemies Spotted: 19
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Treasure Hunter
Gold Collected: 1930, Total Stacks: 1
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/2/0 163
Galio ShowMaker
Runes ResolveRunes Precision
Runes Aftershock
Total Damage Dealt: 471, Total Damage Mitigated: 0
Runes Presence of Mind
Resource Restored: 159
Runes Shield Bash
Total Damage: 124
Runes Legend: Tenacity
Time Completed: 17:50
Runes Second Wind
Total Healing: 496
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +15-140 Health (based on level)
Runes Overgrowth
Total Bonus Max Health: 225
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/2/0 329
Ezreal Nuclear
Runes InspirationRunes Sorcery
Runes Kleptomancy
Gold Granted: 110, Items Looted: 10
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 1283
Runes Magical Footwear
Boots Arrival Time: 10:00
Runes Transcendence
Seconds refunded: 0
Runes Biscuit Delivery
Biscuits Received: 4
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Cosmic Insight
Summoner spellSummoner spell
0/4/1 297
Soraka Hoit
Runes ResolveRunes Sorcery
Runes Guardian
Total Shield Strength: 1423
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 266
Runes Font of Life
Total Ally Healing: 125
Runes Gathering Storm
Total Bonus AD/AP: 48
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 144
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor

Runes +15-140 Health (based on level)
Runes Revitalize
Bonus Healing: 895, Bonus Shielding: 155
Summoner spellSummoner spell
0/2/3 20
Player       KDA CS
Jayce Sw0rd
Runes SorceryRunes Domination
Runes Phase Rush
Total activations: 5
Runes Taste of Blood
Total Healing: 601
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 446
Runes Relentless Hunter
Total Stacks: 3, 9% Move Speed increase
Runes Absolute Focus
Total time active: 24:40
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Gathering Storm
Total Bonus AD/AP: 28
Summoner spellSummoner spell
2/1/2 342
Sejuani Tarzan
Runes ResolveRunes Precision
Runes Aftershock
Total Damage Dealt: 498, Total Damage Mitigated: 0
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 1049, Total bonus gold granted: 180
Runes Demolish
Total Bonus Damage: 594
Runes Legend: Tenacity
Time Completed: 17:10
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 269
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +6 Armor

Runes +15-140 Health (based on level)
Runes Overgrowth
Total Bonus Max Health: 139
Summoner spellSummoner spell
2/1/7 156
Sion Chovy
Runes ResolveRunes Inspiration
Runes Grasp of the Undying
Total damage: 386, Total Healing: 394
Runes Minion Dematerializer
Bonus Minion Damage Dealt: 7954
Runes Shield Bash
Total Damage: 386
Runes Cosmic Insight
Runes Second Wind
Total Healing: 683
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Overgrowth
Total Bonus Max Health: 259
Summoner spellSummoner spell
2/0/6 325
Lucian Viper
Runes PrecisionRunes Sorcery
Runes Press the Attack
Total Damage: 707, Bonus Damage: 418, Expose Damage: 288
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 1044
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 790, Total bonus gold granted: 200
Runes Absolute Focus
Total time active: 21:40
Runes Legend: Alacrity
Time Completed: 17:10
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Coup de Grace
Total Bonus Damage: 321
Summoner spellSummoner spell
6/0/4 380
Morgana Lehends
Runes ResolveRunes Sorcery
Runes Guardian
Total Shield Strength: 2058
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 571
Runes Demolish
Total Bonus Damage: 724
Runes Absolute Focus
Total time active: 19:0
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 373
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Revitalize
Bonus Healing: 257, Bonus Shielding: 419
Summoner spellSummoner spell
0/1/9 26
Gold graph & Timeline


Infernal Drake
First blood
Cloud Drake
First Tower
Rift Herald
Cloud Drake
Cloud Drake
Gold distribution

TOP26% 21.7%
JUNGLE17.3% 16.8%
MID22.7% 21.6%
ADC21.8% 27.3%
SUPPORT12.3% 12.6%

Damage distribution

TOP 33.9% 25.2%
JUNGLE 10.4% 11%
MID 18.3% 22%
ADC 26.8% 31.2%
SUPPORT 10.5% 10.7%


Jungle share
CS killed in team jungle + CS killed in enemy jungle