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KT Rolster vs GEN

2018-12-28 (SF)
Game Time


Kills 12
First Blood
Towers 9
Mountain DrakeMountain Drake
Nashor 1
Team Gold 69.6k
Draven Cassiopeia Nocturne Gragas Elise
Akali Lee Sin Lissandra Ezreal Tahm Kench
KT Rolster - LOSS
Kills 7
Towers 5
First Tower
Dragons 2
Ocean DrakeOcean Drake
Team Gold 61.9k
Urgot Galio Zoe Alistar Rakan
Irelia Aatrox Swain Lucian Pyke
Player       KDA CS
Akali CuVee
Runes DominationRunes Sorcery
Runes Electrocute
Total Damage Dealt: 591
Runes Absolute Focus
Total time active: 25:40
Runes Taste of Blood
Total Healing: 1106
Runes Gathering Storm
Total Bonus AD/AP: 48
Runes Ghost Poro
Ghost Poros Spawned: 0, Enemies Spotted: 4
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Treasure Hunter
Gold Collected: 1186, Total Stacks: 5
Summoner spellSummoner spell
4/2/3 331
Lee Sin Peanut
Runes DominationRunes Precision
Runes Electrocute
Total Damage Dealt: 275
Runes Legend: Alacrity
Time Completed: 20:30
Runes Sudden Impact
Bonus Damage: 54
Runes Coup de Grace
Total Bonus Damage: 116
Runes Eyeball Collection
Total Bonus AD/AP: 18
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Relentless Hunter
Total Stacks: 2, 6% Move Speed increase
Summoner spellSummoner spell
0/1/4 183
Lissandra Fly
Runes ResolveRunes Sorcery
Runes Aftershock
Total Damage Dealt: 360, Total Damage Mitigated: 0
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 1074
Runes Demolish
Total Bonus Damage: 1011
Runes Transcendence
Seconds refunded: 0
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 698
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Unflinching
Seconds in combat with bonus resistances: 6
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/2/5 297
Ezreal Ruler
Runes InspirationRunes Sorcery
Runes Kleptomancy
Gold Granted: 815, Items Looted: 20
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 2566
Runes Magical Footwear
Boots Arrival Time: 9:30
Runes Absolute Focus
Total time active: 28:0
Runes Biscuit Delivery
Biscuits Received: 4
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Cosmic Insight
Summoner spellSummoner spell
7/1/4 348
Tahm Kench Life
Runes InspirationRunes Sorcery
Runes Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells swapped: 14
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 64
Runes Triple Tonic
Items Gained: 0
Runes Transcendence
Seconds refunded: 0
Runes Minion Dematerializer
Bonus Minion Damage Dealt: 1688
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +6 Armor

Runes +15-140 Health (based on level)
Runes Approach Velocity
Time Spent Hasted: 59
Summoner spellSummoner spell
0/1/10 82
Player       KDA CS
Irelia kingen
Runes PrecisionRunes Inspiration
Runes Press the Attack
Total Damage: 346, Bonus Damage: 280, Expose Damage: 66
Runes Biscuit Delivery
Biscuits Received: 4
Runes Triumph
Total Health Restored: 122, Total bonus gold granted: 80
Runes Time Warp Tonic
Time Spent Hasted: 347, Total Immediate Health Restored: 1350, Total Immediate Mana Restored: 1114
Runes Legend: Bloodline
Time Completed: 15:20
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +8 Magic Resist
Runes Last Stand
Total Bonus Damage: 287
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/4/3 371
Aatrox UmTi
Runes ResolveRunes Domination
Runes Aftershock
Total Damage Dealt: 107, Total Damage Mitigated: 0
Runes Zombie Ward
Wards spawned: 24, Adaptive Force Gained: 214
Runes Demolish
Total Bonus Damage: 714
Runes Treasure Hunter
Gold Collected: 3848, Total Stacks: 3
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 236
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Revitalize
Bonus Healing: 1314, Bonus Shielding: 0
Summoner spellSummoner spell
2/2/2 189
Swain Bdd
Runes ResolveRunes Inspiration
Runes Aftershock
Total Damage Dealt: 0, Total Damage Mitigated: 0
Runes Minion Dematerializer
Bonus Minion Damage Dealt: 6167
Runes Demolish
Total Bonus Damage: 1415
Runes Time Warp Tonic
Time Spent Hasted: 134, Total Immediate Health Restored: 518, Total Immediate Mana Restored: 412
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 151
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +15-140 Health (based on level)
Runes Revitalize
Bonus Healing: 701, Bonus Shielding: 0
Summoner spellSummoner spell
0/1/5 283
Lucian Gango
Runes PrecisionRunes Sorcery
Runes Press the Attack
Total Damage: 406, Bonus Damage: 314, Expose Damage: 91
Runes Manaflow Band
Total bonus mana: 250, Total mana restored: 944
Runes Overheal
Total Shielding: 6922
Runes Absolute Focus
Total time active: 24:0
Runes Legend: Alacrity
Time Completed: 15:20
Runes +10% Attack Speed

Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +15-140 Health (based on level)
Runes Coup de Grace
Total Bonus Damage: 100
Summoner spellSummoner spell
1/1/3 360
Pyke Mia
Runes ResolveRunes Inspiration
Runes Aftershock
Total Damage Dealt: 86, Total Damage Mitigated: 0
Runes Triple Tonic
Items Gained: 0
Runes Demolish
Total Bonus Damage: 668
Runes Cosmic Insight
Runes Bone Plating
Total Damage Blocked: 306
Runes +9 Adaptive Force

Runes +6 Armor

Runes +6 Armor
Runes Unflinching
Seconds in combat with bonus resistances: 8
Summoner spellSummoner spell
3/4/2 81
Gold graph & Timeline


First blood
First Tower
Ocean Drake
Rift Herald
Ocean Drake
Mountain Drake
Mountain Drake
Gold distribution

TOP21.5% 23.6%
JUNGLE14.8% 17.4%
MID19.2% 19.6%
ADC25.8% 22.1%
SUPPORT18.6% 17.3%

Damage distribution

TOP 19.6% 19.6%
JUNGLE 7.6% 14.2%
MID 14% 32.6%
ADC 52.9% 26.2%
SUPPORT 6% 7.4%


Jungle share
CS killed in team jungle + CS killed in enemy jungle